Invisalign Treatment
Near Sainte-Thérèse

Discover how Invisalign offers a modern and effective approach to correcting orthodontic problems, while allowing you to smile with confidence.

logo invisalign bleu plan rapproché d'un boitier invisalign contenant deux aligneurs

Invisalign Treatment:
A New Era in Dental Correction

Invisalign uses custom-made, transparent aligners that work progressively and painlessly to align teeth as needed. The benefits of Invisalign include the ability to remove the aligners while eating or brushing, as well as convenient and hygienic use. If you’re interested in Invisalign treatment near Sainte-Thérèse, contact Sourire Concept Dental Center for a free consultation.

Steps of an Invisalign Treatment

1. Diagnosis

During your first visit, we’ll perform comprehensive examinations including X-rays, photos and digital impressions to get an accurate picture of your dental condition. Using this information, we’ll generate a 3D simulation of your future smile. Then we’ll develop a personalized treatment plan based on your individual needs.

2. Treatment Plan

Following this analysis, the dentist will design a treatment plan that is completely tailored to your individual needs. Our instructions will then be transmitted directly to Invisalign to initiate the digital manufacture of your dental aligners.

3. Handover of the Aligners

Our hygienists will hand over your aligners and take the time to provide you with details on how to wear and care for them. This will allow you to start your Invisalign treatment with confidence.

4. Recurrent Follow-Ups

During your Invisalign treatment, we schedule regular follow-ups to make sure everything is going smoothly. Once treatment is complete, we’ll give you retainers to maintain the results you’ve achieved. You’ll be able to show off your best smile with confidence!

For a Free Consultation and Beautiful, Straight Teeth

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Frequently Asked Questions

Invisalign treatment can be considered for teenagers as well as adults. In general, it’s best to wait until most of the permanent teeth are present, which is usually around age 12.

However, each case is unique, and the decision to undergo Invisalign treatment depends on a number of factors. Dental health, bone maturity and ability to follow treatment instructions are all taken into account.

Before eating or drinking anything other than water, it’s essential to remove your aligners. You can put them back in once your teeth have been cleaned, helping to maintain good oral health throughout your treatment.

For Invisalign treatment to be effective, we recommend that you wear the aligners continuously. As a general rule, this means that aligners should be worn for around 20 to 22 hours a day. This leaves plenty of time for meals, while ensuring that the aligners exert constant pressure on the teeth.

Invisalign works with a series of custom-made, transparent aligners made from medical plastic. These aligners are designed to exert gentle, constant pressure on teeth, gradually moving them into their desired position. A series of custom-made aligners is manufactured for each stage of treatment. Patients wear aligners for around one to two weeks, then move on to the next, which continues to gradually move the teeth.

It’s important to follow your dentist’s instructions about wearing Invisalign aligners. Not wearing your aligners regularly can compromise the results of your treatment, prolong its duration or even lead to complications.

Have More Questions?

Contact us now at 450-436-5666 or by email!

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Contact us and schedule an appointment with one of our dentists at our clinic for a free consultation.

Or call us at 450-436-5666